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Hungarian author Virág Katalin Balogh was born in 1981. Her first book, a volume of short stories, was published in 2019 on her website. Also a literary translator, she translated works by Ödön von Horváth from German into Hungarian. Von Horváth’s play Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung (Faith, Hope, and Charity) was staged at the Örkény Theatre in Budapest in her translation, while her Hungarian translation of von Horváth’s novel Sechsunddreißig Stunden is available on her website.

‘Backslider’, one of the stories in the volume, is available here in English, translated by Rachel Hideg. 

Her second book, Jelentkezés nem meghirdetett állásra was published by Napkút Kiadó in 2024.

© Balogh Virág Katalin  I   bvk művek

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